Workshop Details
Date: June 27, 2023
Time: 10 – 13 am
Venue: Zoom
Workshop Language: English
Instructors: Dr. Michele Tizzoni
Course description
The availability of large-scale human mobility traces from smartphones or other devices has allowed the analysis of human movements on unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions. In this workshop, we will first review the literature regarding theoretical models of human mobility and then we will investigate how to analyze real-world digital traces using Python.
Several real-world applications will be reviewed, from the interplay between human mobility and social inequality to the management of pandemics.
Target group
Undergraduate, master students, doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and experienced researchers
Participants are expected to know the basics of Python and have at least some experience using it.
For the workshops, participants should bring a running system on which they can execute Jupyter Notebooks.
We will use Python 3.9 and several standard libraries that are part of the Anaconda 2022.10 distribution or can be installed on top of that. Feel free to also work in a cloud-like Google Colab.