Welcome to the official web page of the Social ComQuant Project!

An award by TÜBİTAK!

TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) the Social ComQuant project, carried out by Dr. Erdem Yörük from the Sociology Department of Koç University, was selected as one of the most successful projects in the Horizon Europe Launch Event which was held on March 21-22, 2022 at Istanbul. Our project, funded by the European Commission with the ‘Twinning Action’ fund with 900 thousand Euros, is the first project from Turkey to receive this funding.

As part of the Social ComQuant, the project coordinator Koç University–matched with GESIS in Germany and ISI in Italy in the fields of computational social sciences and quantitative social sciences–aims to train faculty members, postdoctoral researchers, doctoral students, graduate and undergraduate students in the fields of computational and quantitative social sciences.

Please see the news article (in Turkish) for more details: https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/sirkethaberleri/guncel/tubitaktan-koc-universitesine-en-basarili-kurum-odulu/671731